Our signature tuna rod. Built with you in mind.
The 80/130 Trident is a 130 Giant bluefin tuna rod tapered to an 80 tip. It was designed through the input of bluefin tuna fisherman of New England. The light tip ensures your hookup with less pulled hooks and tackle failure as compared to the stiffer 130 rods on the market.
Once the hook is set then the real magic happens. Whether you use light leader or something heavier the forgiveness in the blank helps you battle the wild headshakes or a rough sea keeping the rod loaded and the line tight. The strong back bone gets the job done giving you the power to tire out your fish and turn its head when you need to. The Trident tuna rod puts you in control of your fish not the other way around. There is only one Trident 80130, the blank is our design and made just for us, do not be misled, if it doesn’t say Reel Easy on the blank then its not a Trident !